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How to Start the Branding Process

Does the idea of reworking your website or sitting down to Canva to create an opt-in seem completely overwhelming?

I understand the feeling. Making a huge improvement in our small business behind the scenes can seem so huge and so daunting that what can end up happening is putting your own small business on hold, and deciding you’ll get to it “one day.”

As a brand designer, whenever I need to make a behind the scenes upgrade in my business such as designing a new welcome packet, or upgrading my portfolio, or just tweaking the sales page on my website, it can feel so big that sometimes I’ll just put it off ‘til later.’

This past spring/summer (we’re in the fall of 2021 now) I did a website overhaul for my own business. I transitioned over from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1. While this may not sound like a big step, it really was. Because in the transition, I recreated my site from scratch, updated all my copy and photos, and hired an SEO expert to help me with site migration on the Google Workspace backend. It was a huge task but I was able to get it all done - along with loads of client work - and was able to maintain my sanity. 

Ever since giving birth to my son over a year ago, this is how it’s been: I’m short on time but moving forward is a non-negotiable, so I make it happen. I would love to share the tips I’ve learned so you too can take an overwhelming process and make it manageable and even - more simple!

1. Decide and put it on the calendar

If you’re hemming and hawing over a decision, it’s taking up massive amounts of brain space. Once you make a decide, research shows that you then can release and relax and all that tension can melt away. So before you go any further, decide right now on the task. Are you ready to rebrand your business? Do you need to update your website? Is it a priority? Yes? Or no? Decide and take the next step.

This is something my coach encourages us with the mastermind I’m a part of. Whenever we say “ok, we’ll do the thing,” she prods with “ok great. What date will you have that done by?” Getting specific makes the task real, concrete, and gives you a frame of reference for when you can complete the task.

So if you want to rebrand your business, what date do you want to launch your rebrand? What month do you want to launch your beautiful new site? Knowing just these 2 things that I just mentioned will help you make progress.  

2. Interview designers

If you’re looking to outsource your rebrand or website refresh, it’s time to look at some designers. Tap your network.

Ask if anyone you know has worked with a designer, and loved their experience. Search hashtags, do a call out in a FB group you’re in. Sometimes the perfect person isn’t far away you just need to let them know you’re looking. I think it’s always helpful to talk to 2 or 3 designers to see if they fit well with you, if you like their process, and if they check all the boxes you need. Because rebranding your business or launching your website is a big deal! Make sure they’re on your same page, that they have great reviews, a great portfolio, and that you love their style.

3. Find the perfect design service

What type of design service are you needing right now? What price point are you looking at? And what kind of turnaround time are you working with? Let me share a brief overview with you of my own services that can help you make a decision:

1 / The Master Branding Experience

This is a complete done-for-you brand and website creation with your personality and values at the forefront. We begin with the logo and color palette, we design your marketing collateral and end with a custom website design on Squarespace. The designs are custom according to your business and your audience, and when you walk away, you leave with a visual brand that’s cohesive, professional, and an online presence that can help skyrocket your business. The timeline for this service is about 8-10 weeks, and it’s my signature service. Interested in learning more? Head over here!

2 / The Website Virtuoso Experience 

This service is a top to bottom makeover for your website. I design your site in Squarespace 7.1 (the newest version of Squarespace) and we create a modern, beautiful, customer-centric website so it’s effective in helping you reach your biggest goals and grow your business. This website makeover includes refreshing your brand photos, increasing your SEO, and making sure your website is built for your ideal customer. 

3 / Dedicated Design Day

This is my one-day design intensive and I LOVE this service. This is a full day dedicated to your projects and you leave the day with final files and immediate completion and it’s extremely gratifying. If you are looking for a day to dive in and get a lot done - no waiting, no weeks of back-and-forth, this is for you! This service is a fraction of the cost of the Master Branding and is designed to help you get as much done as possible.

And finally, once you have these big decisions made, it’s time to move forward with confidence and excitement, because you’re making a huge step forward in your business and ultimate success!

So where are you at in the process? Do you need to decide if this should be a priority? Do you need to interview designers? Or are you deciding on which service is right for you?

Let me know in the comments!