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Tell Tale Signs You’re Ready for a Rebrand

As a small business owner, your brand and online presence is a crucial asset that represents your business, expertise, and your values. Over time, there may come a point when your brand no longer aligns with your goals, target audience, or desired positioning. Recognizing the signs that indicate you're ready for a rebrand is a super important when you’re ready to take your business to the next level.

Most times, we are TOO CLOSE to our businesses to see what needs to change. And so in this case, it’s helpful to know what things to keep an eye out for when you feel like a rebrand may be in your future.

5 Tell Tale Signs You Need a Rebrand

1. Inconsistency: Your brand elements, such as logo, colors, fonts, and messaging, lack cohesion and consistency across different platforms and touch points.

This can happen when you DIYed things in the beginning and since then have piece-mealed other items together. Need a new graphic, ‘let’s use this cool font in Canva.’ Sending out a newsletter? ‘I love this color, let’s use this.’ While this is a quick and dirty way to keep the wheels turning it doesn’t lend itself to establishing credibility and ultimately trust.

2. Outdated Appearance:
Your visual identity feels stale, outdated, or no longer represents your evolving business and target audience.

While there’s merit to sticking to design decisions you made 10 years ago, if your visuals are not captivating, relevant, pleasing, or memorable - that’s not helping your business - especially when there are hundreds if not thousands of other businesses offering something similar to what you offer. When your visuals are eye-catching, captivating, memorable, and professional it keeps your business feeling relevant and adaptable.

3. Lack of Differentiation:
Your brand fails to stand out from competitors and struggles to communicate its unique value proposition.

If you choose a trendy logo in Canva when you started your business but now feel like it’s “cute” but not necessarily communicating your value, expertise, and perspective, then it’s time to uplevel and get it professionally done.

4. Poor Audience Connection:
Your messaging and visuals do not resonate with your target audience, leading to low engagement and conversions.

This is a big one that I see whenever I perform Brand + Website Assessments. People don’t even WANT to send people to their website because they KNOW it’s not set up for a great pre-client experience. So they don’t even advertise their website.

A strong brand foundation and effective website helps with the client experience which creates loyal followers and fans.

5. Changing Business Focus:
If your business has significantly changed it’s focus, services or target audience, that’s a good indication that it’s time for a rebrand.

I’ve seen this with my clients. They have so many changes that have happened in their business, they’re ready for a major overhaul that reflects those changes.

Now, here are the internal feelings and mindset shifts associated with clients prior to rebranding.


My Rebranding clients have been in the business for a while. They know who they are, what they bring to the table, and how transformative their services can be for their clients. With this track record of success, there’s confidence knowing what value their experience brings and they’re excited to continue to make a big impact with their work.


Many business owners feel disconnected or uninspired by their current brand. This is very common - but when you want to grow or scale your business, this is a problem. It can be hard to do so when you feel unhappy with the visuals you’re putting out there.

If your brand is causing you to hesitate when people ask for your website info, it may be a sign that you're ready for a rebrand.


As a business owner, if you're committed to continuous improvement and growth, a rebrand can signal a proactive step towards aligning your brand with your evolving vision.

My clients know that they are in it for the long haul and are planning not just for the next year but the next 3, 5 or even 10 years of their business. 

My clients also see that what they currently present online doesn’t align with the elevated services that high-paying clients are looking for. They come ready with the understanding of who they want to attract, and we create a brand that it true to them, while connecting with their ideal audience. 

Rebranding is an important step for any business owner who is seeking to elevate their businesses and align their brands with their evolving goals and target audience. By recognizing the red flags that indicate a rebrand is needed, assessing your confidence, financial considerations, and positioning within the market, you can determine if you're ready to embark on this transformative journey. 

A well-executed rebrand has the potential to reignite your passion, attract ideal clients, and position you as a leading authority in your industry.

Trust your instincts, embrace the growth mindset, and take the leap towards a rebrand that will propel your business to new heights of success.

Ready to embark on your rebranding journey?

Schedule a consultation with me today to learn how our rebranding services can help you elevate your business, attract ideal clients, and position you for long-term success.