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Posts on a variety of topics from rebranding to website design, to building a business to mindset to strategy, with a dash of my personal entrepreneurial journey and more! Dive in.

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Business RuthAnn Rafiq Business RuthAnn Rafiq

Why and How to Change Your Mindset as a Side Hustler

As a side-hustler, I feel like I look over the fence to my friends who work for themselves full-time and I sigh and say, ahh that would be nice. You get to work from home, work in your pjs, get to spend all day working on projects you love… the list of wonderful-ness goes on and on.

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Business RuthAnn Rafiq Business RuthAnn Rafiq

8 Things to Focus On As a New Business Owner

There’s a lot that goes into starting a business. One of the main things people (like myself) get hung up on is branding and visuals. But, I'm here to tell you, it's at the bottom of the list of things you should be doing when you first start out.

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Business RuthAnn Rafiq Business RuthAnn Rafiq

A Guide to Choosing Your Business Name

The idea for a business normally comes first, then the dreaded task of finding the perfect name. You want that name that is everything - explains what you have to offer, shows your strengths, represents your unique offering... But how on earth do you go about choosing a name that represents how great you and your services are?

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Business RuthAnn Rafiq Business RuthAnn Rafiq

Where to Start with Your Newsletter

When you’re coming onto the online business arena you are bombarded with all these things to do: get a great brand, build an email list, be active and consistent on social media, blog... it can quickly get overwhelming.

The feeling can leave you paralyzed with “there’s so many things I need to do I don’t even know where to start” and then you either: don’t do anything or try to figure it all out on your own, which is tough.

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