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The One Sentence Your Website Needs Right Now

This may come as a surprise, but developing a website for my clients doesn’t begin with a color palette, or with an inspiration board.

While those things are a part of the process, the real magic of creating a website that WORKS is understanding and crafting a Brand Statement, and that’s what I help my clients with before we even get started on their website design. So how does one go about creating a Brand Statement? Let me show you. 

First off, what is a Brand Statement?

Great question. Your Brand Statement is the statement people will see when they come to the homepage of your website. It’s clear and concise and captures this:


And that’s it.

Sounds easy enough, but creating a captivating Brand Statement can be a little harder than you think. Here are some terrific examples of Brand Statements from industry experts:

(NOTE: Your Brand Statement could be 1 sentence, or it could be a primary title, then subtitle that explains a bit more.)


“Workshops to help you clarify your message. Eliminate confusion, connect with customers, grow your company.”

Storybrand is an industry leader when it comes to marketing and messaging so naturally, their Brand Message would be completely on-point. Concise, clear, and compelling.

I believe a trap that many of us can fall into is wanting to share EVERYTHING we do right at the start. But it’s important to pull back, share the key essentials of your business, then share more as people navigate your site.


“Protein with nothing to hide. It’s 18 g of organic, plant-based protein, packed with fuctional mushrooms and adaptogens.”

I love this example because it speaks to their ideal customer without even mentioning them. Using words like “organic”, “plant-based” even “adaptogens” automatically draw in consumers who are health conscious and nutrition-savvy.

They also don’t over-explain, which can be a pitfall for a product or service that may be a bit complex. Keep things clear, easy to understand and the fewer-more-powerful words, the better.


“Island inspired hand-crafted jewelry for the adventurer who appreciates beautiful detail and original designs. Casual. Sophisticated. Timeless.”

This one comes from my client. This statement is clear, it identifies who would love these jewelry pieces and describes what makes these pieces special.

Having this statement nailed down is key because YOU may know what you offer, but does your potential client? Clarity is key when it comes to selling your service and getting people interested in what you do. This statement isn’t hard to create, but it does take some thought and time to get down on paper. 

Once you have a clear message you’re able to more easily attract who you want to work with and they can more easily understand that you’re the exact person who can help them.

Have you created your Brand Statement yet?

Which part of creating a Brand Statement is tricky for you?

Want a second pair of eyes on your Brand Statement?

I offer free 1/2 hour calls where I help you with your brand and messaging. These Brand Clarity Mini Sessions are available on a first come, first serve basis, so sign up for yours today!